I had a sudden thought about harming someone.
If I can produce thoughts about harming people, I must be a bad person.
If I'm a bad person, others should avoid me.
I should keep myself away from others.
I fear that others will know that I had a thought of harming them.
I am fearsome.
Here's another cycle:
I felt sexually excited by that person.
I'm in a relationship with another person.
I must want to cheat with that other person.
I am a bad person.
I should avoid that other person.
Or maybe I should cheat with that person.
Here's one more:
I'm a recovering addict.
I had a drug dream.
I must want to use drugs.
I should have fear of relapse.
Being afraid makes me nervous.
I'm thinking all the time about drugs now.
Did you see where meaning got assigned in each of those scenarios? Thoughts or sensations or dreams don't have to mean anything at all. Respond to neutral stimuli neutrally, attaching zero meaning. If you never act on them, they remain neutral. If you have fear and obsess over the meaning, and the meaning of the meaning, that's where we get tripped up and act irrationally.
Here's those scenarios redone with neutral stimuli response:
I had a sudden thought of harming someone.
I'm not going to harm anyone.
I'm going to go on with my day.
I felt sexually excited by that person.
I'm in a relationship with another person.
Gee, that was a nice feeling.
I'm not going to act on that.
Last one:
I'm a recovering addict.
I had a drug dream.
Dreams sure are strange.
I'm going to appreciate the sober life I've built.
Learn how to respond to neutral stimuli with neutrality. Call for an appointment. 954-612-9553
Autumn Hahn is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist practicing at Clear Mind Group in Weston, Florida. Call 954-612-9553 for a consultation. Follow Autumn on Twitter and Facebook. Subscribe on the right under Follow by Email for the weekly blog delivered directly to you.
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